Sa majest%C3%A9 Minor

His Majesty Minor French Sa Majest Minor is a FrenchSpanish feature film by French director JeanJacques Annaud. It is his third film shot entirely in his native language of French since his 1976 Oscarwinning debut Black and White in Color and his 1978 film Coup de tte featuring Patrick Dewaere. It is a mythical comedy taking place on an island in the Aegean Sea before the founding of Ancient Greece.

Minor Garcia was abandoned by his parents as a child and was raised by a pack of pigs he speaks in porcine grunts and lives and loves much like his fellow hogs. Minor is just human enough to have his head turned by Clytia Bernier, a beautiful girl living in the nearby village. However, if Minors lack of social skills werent enough to keep Clytia away, shes already been pledged to wed handsome and charming Karkos PerisMencheta. When Minor runs afoul of the tribal leadership, hes removed from his home with the pigs and forced to live in an enchanted forest, where he attracts the not entirely welcome attentions of Pan Cassel, a randy halfman and halfgoat willing to couple with anything that breathes. When Minor emerges from the forest able to speak with newfound eloquence, the tribal leaders name him their new potentate, and Clytia suddenly finds him a great deal more appealing, which doesnt sit well with Karkos.

Source: Wikipedia